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来源: 中国国家艺术网   2014/7/21   作者:叶向明   地点:北京

蓝调系列NO99 60X80cm 油画 叶向明 2010

蓝调系列NO91 60X75cm 油画 叶向明 2010

蓝调系列NO91 60X75cm 油画 叶向明 2010

蓝调系列No.15-Blue Tone Series No.15-122×92cm-2004-布面油画

蓝调系列NO77 60X70cm 油画 叶向明 2009

蓝调系列NO98 91X122cm 油画 叶向明 2010

蓝调系列NO84 180X200cm 油画 叶向明 2009

《吉祥中国之凤凰》 50.5x61cm 油画 叶向明 2013年

《悠悠岁月》106X78  获“首届广东省水彩画展”金奖

《吉祥》 油画 170X150cm


艺术家小传——叶向明YE XIANGMING








2010年 “蓝调系列”叶向明艺术展(北京宋庄万盛园)

2011年 “梦之旅”叶向明油画展(北京宋庄国防艺术区)

2012年 “记忆的投影”叶向明油画作品展(古元美术馆/北山会馆)

2014年 “开放的毛孔”叶向明当代油画作品展(关山月美术馆)


1999年 “首届广东省水彩画展”金奖(广东美术馆)

2003年 “第二届广东省油画艺术大展”(广州艺术博物院)

2006年 “中国当代水彩画展”(广州美术学院美术馆)

2008年 “当代油画名家邀请展”(岭南美术馆、古元美术馆)

2009年 “肖像/反肖像”六人联展(广州扉艺画廊)

2010年 “传承与超越”中国水彩、水粉画展(岭南美术馆);“硬质柔性”三人联展(珠海北山会馆);“四人行”艺术展(澳门陆军俱乐部)

2011年 “声西击东”二人联展(珠海北山会馆);“隽文不朽”艺术展览(澳门)

2012年 “寻源问道”研究课程作品展(北京中国油画院美术馆)

2013年 “异彩纷呈”作品展(西安美术学院美术馆);“寻城记”珠澳当代艺术展(澳门牛房仓库) ;“回望涅瓦河”中国油画家13人作品展(关山月美术馆);广州美术学院水彩60年研究展(莞城美术馆);广州美术学院60年作品展(广州美术学院大学城美术馆);“独立的当代精神”四人联展(广东画院美术馆);“向王肇民致敬”作品展(广州菲艺廊);“第六届广东省水彩画展”铜奖(江门美术馆)

2014年 “当代中国写意油画展”(澳门文化中心);“写意江山---中国写意油画名家作品展”(岭南美术馆)

出 版:

2008年 《蓝调系列--叶向明油画作品集》(岭南美术出版社);《女子·音乐系列 叶向明油画作品集》(岭南美术出版社);《走向心象--龙虎 叶向明水彩集》(广西美术出版社)

2012年 《记忆的投影--叶向明油画作品集》(中国文艺出版社)

Born in Guangdong Province in 1963

Graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1986

Guest Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2006

Established Beijing Songzhuang Ye Xiangming Studio in 2010

Visiting Scholar of Chinese Academy of Oil Painting of Chinese National Academy of Arts in 2012

At present, President of Lingnan Fine Arts Institute & Curator of Lingnan Art Gallery

Main Individual Exhibitions

In 2010, Blue Tone Series--Ye Xiangming Art Exhibition (Wanshengyuan, Songzhuang, Beijing)

In 2011, Dream Journey--Ye Xiangming Oil Painting Exhibition (National Defence Art District, Songzhuang, Beijing)

In 2012, Shadow of Memory--Ye Xiangming Oil Painting Exhibition (Guyuan Museum of Art / Beishan Guild Hall)

In 2014, Open Pores--Ye Xiangming’s Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition (Guan Shanyue Art Museum)

Main Selected Group Exhibitions

In 1999, gold award of the First Watercolor Exhibition of Guangdong Province (Guangdong Museum of Art)

In 2003, the Second Oil Painting Exhibition of Guangdong Province (Guangzhou Museum of Art)

In 2006, China Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition (the Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)

In 2008, Contemporary Famous Oil Painter Guest Exhibition (Lingnan Art Gallery, Guyuan Museum of Art)

In 2009, Portrait & Anti-Portrait 6 Painters Exhibition (Guangzhou Feiyi Art Gallery)

In 2010, Inheritance & Surpassing China Watercolor & Gouache Exhibition (Lingnan Art Gallery)

Stiff Softness 3-Painter Group Exhibition (Beishan Guild Hall of Zhuhai)

4-People Art Exhibition (Military Club of Macau)

In 2011, Look One Way and Row Another 2-Painter Group Exhibition (Beishan Guild Hall of Zhuhai)

Immortal Words Art Exhibition (Macau)

In 2012, Source Searching Research Course Works Exhibition (the Art Gallery of Chhina Academy of Oil Painting in Beijing)

In 2013, Various--Artworks Exhibition (the Art Gallery of Xi An Academy of Fine Arts)

Biography of City Searching--Zhuhai & Macao Contemporary Art Exhibition (Ox Warehouse, Macau)

Look Back to River Nieva--Chinese 13-Oil Painter Works Exhibition (Guan Shan Yue Art Museum)

Research Exhibition on 60 Years of Watercolor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Guancheng Art Museum)

Exhibition on 60 Years of Artworks of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (the Art Gallery of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)

Independent Contemporary Spirit 4-People Group Exhibition (the Art Galley of Guangdong Drawing Academy)

Salution to Wang Zhaomin Artworks Exhibition (Guangzhou Feiyi Art Gallery)

The copper award of the 6th Watercolor Exhibition of Guangdong Province (Jiangmen Art Museum)

In 2014, Contemporary China Freehand Oil Painting Exhibition (Cultural Center of Macau)

Chinese famous Artists Impressionist Oil Painting Exhibition (Lingnan Art Gallery)


In 2008, Blue Tone Series--Ye Xiangming’s Oil Painting Collection, Lingnan Fine Arts Press

Woman·Music Series--Ye Xiangming’s Oil Painting Collection, Lingnan Fine Arts Press

Walk into Heart, Dragon & Tiger--Ye Xiangming’s Watercolor Collection, Guangxi Fine Arts Press

In 2012, Shadow of Memory--Ye Xiangming’s Oil Painting Collection, China Literature & Art Publishing House




如果说,叶向明的艺术仅是一种半抽象的作品,那我以为它更接近一种新意象(New lmage)的风格。它的创意背景是抽象的,它从一个虚构的空间去营造画境。其梦魇般的纷乱影象,以粗而短促的曲线逐次铺排,让形象与肌理复叠交融,达至有象而无形,或有形而无象的双重意象。至于另一组色调温暖,气象祥和之作,则较接近图案绘画(Pattern Painting)一类。固然,无论是图案绘画或新意象的风格,它们都以抽象构成之理念去统率画面。——钟耕略(美籍华人艺术家)












叶向明从水彩朝油画的转型,也是一个由具象朝抽象转变的过程,然而,即便画面给予观者的视觉感受变化如此之大,画家笔下一个个人物的神情却一如既往,他们醉心于各自的精神世界,没有人可以望向画外,寻求与观者对视,而是垂首低眉,若有所思,流露着心无旁好骛的专注或坦然,他们与画家一样,借由无止境的记忆,到达永恒的彼岸。——薛军 邬梦姝(策展人、评论家)








Ye Xiangming’s painting is not a simple abstract art. As for the overall appearance of his painting, it exhibits abstract concept through realistic image. It shows both the manic depression of the new expressionism and the nightmare imagery of the super-realism. It composes the painting texture with lines, and sets off a kind of depression and uneasy feeling with keynotes of indigo blue and rose-bengal.

Sometimes, Ye Xiangming’s artworks show another kind of peaceful feeling, with keynotes of rose-bengal and orange red, while indigo blue is secondary note, but the lines are mainly in deep tones, on the base of Blue Tone. This kind of artworks shows another kind of imagery, with even texture emphasizing a flat-surface effect.

If Ye Xiangming’s artworks are ever a kind of sub-abstract works, I think they are more New-Image-Style. The background of creativity is abstract and the picturesque scene is built in a fabled space. The nightmare-like chaotic images are laid by short and thick curves, while the images and the textures are overlapped, intangibly. The other series with warm tones and peaceful feeling is a kind of Pattern Painting. Of course, no matter the New Image style or the Pattern Painting is composed mainly by the abstract concept.

——Zhong Genglue (Chinese American Artist)

Ye Xiangming is famous for subtle and realistic minority national feelings that made him awarded. However, he gave up the smoothly common road and insisted on his dream. He came back to himself, his heart and his dream. Thus his drawing style changed much: elegant, depressed, recollecting, as a lonely chanter walking in a field resolutely to the end, where there is a girl thinking and waiting for the final visitor sadly.

Ye Xiangming is always deep in a kind of endless memory. His artworks, those of the Blue Tone and the Middle Tone after the Blue Tone, including the female signs in his artworks, just reflect some of his memory, which is expressed on paintings and showing the reality, as a musical composition, being slow and profound, leading to the far end of life without return.

The memory stops at the paintings, looking at the visitors and the skeptics. Without explanation. No need for explanation.

——Yang Xiaoyan (Professor of the College of Communication and Design of the Sun Yat-Sen University, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice President)

Objectively, if an artwork is composed sincerely, it shows the autobiography of the artist, telling his own experience, his lifestyle and his manner of thought. So is Ye Xiangming’s. The depressed and dejected themes of his Blue Tone Series showed the grief of his inner heart, while it became peaceful, the Blue Tone Series of artworks also look unruffled. Noteworthily, the faintly visible heart, flower and small angel are Ye Xiangming’s expression of individual emotion. The dreamy purity and the calmness is a kind of denial and avoidance to the world of adults. As the detached attitude of his composition, there is a kind of recurrence to natural instincts of human being.

If we just sum up the Blue Tone Series of Ye Xiangming with abstract expression, it might be simplified and modeled. Thought Ye Xiangming quite pays attention to the abstract expression of tension and emotion, as for the Blue Tone Series, it is more than the division of types. The key is to grasp the tension of visual sense and the correspondence of physiology and even the psychology, and to realize the combination of abstract language and image, the art and the soul.

Objectively, the Blue Tone Series of Ye Xiangming is something representative leading to a good significance: not only attention to narrating language of nonobjectivism, but also attention to expression of mental status of modern people by unique forms of art, passing on the implication of modernism not only visually but also psychologically.

——Chen Guohui (Exhibition Planner, Doctor of Chinese National Academy of Arts)

The artist has been dedicated in sketching description of the characters in early painting. Due to deep love in classicalism, he tried to be inspired by the artworks of the artists in the Middle Ages and replace the environment of the characters by abstract background of idealization, to capture the characters and the time in picture, which showed a mere coincidence with the classicalism on pursuit of sublime and peace.

The Yeas Behind, the gold award of the First Watercolor Exhibition of Guangdong Province, is a classical artwork of Ye Xiangming with salution to classicalism. The watercolor shows a kind of Masaccio-like composition and the Giotto-like firmness of character modeling. Though it is a watercolor, the progressively deepening as oil painting shows a kind of new classicalism with sketching leading color relationship. Just as Angle’s attention to sketching (who said sketching is everything except colors), the expressive force of line treatment of sketching is also Ye Xiangming’s goal at artworks in later period.

The transition from watercolor to oil painting of Ye Xiangming is also a process of concretization transit to abstraction. Though the visual change is so much, the figure expression is the same as before. Nobody looks out of the painting or looks at the peopleoutside. They are bent on spiritual world. Some people drop the heads as if deep in thought without distraction. Being absorbed and unperturbed as the artist, the people in pictures are in pursuit of eternity with endless memory.

——Xue Jun, Wu Mengshu (Exhibition Planners, Critics)

The watercolors of Ye Xiangming are relaxed, soft, classic & elegant, easy & smooth. He threw himself into the abstract expression sometimes and active sketch from nature sometimes. However, the expression of interest and charm shows his seek of own artistic language. Given to artwork composition for years, Ye Xiangming has been in pursuit of the freedom of the individual spiritual freedom.

——Zhang Youyun (Doctor, Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)

I have thought that the artists are publicizing their imagoes by particular forms, which are something related to belief and pursuit. Namely, the artists regard the artwork composition as life, and the pursuit of high-end art as belief.

It is a witness of the searching of the combination of music and painting of a pioneering Chinese artist. An artist with strong sense of historical responsibility and thought of philosophy is touching the love with the agonized heart to reach a new goal.

——Li Renyi (Critic)

Ye Xiangming has a firm and subtle basic training of realistic writing. He has threw himself into composition of abstract painting since 2003 and finished the transition from academism, realism to abstract expressionism. His Blue Tone Series and Dream Journey Series led to a good significance: not only attention to narrating language of nonobjectivism, but also attention to expression of mental status of modern people by unique forms of art, passing on the implication of modernism not only visually but also psychologically. In quest for relationship between art, society and emotion by new expression form, his painting is musical, to show the aesthetic perception of combination of hardness and softness.

——Hangjian (Professor of the China Academy of Art)


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